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Biological Terrain Assessment (BTA)

What is Biological Terrain Assessment?

Biological Terrain Assessment is the clinical monitoring of the internal biochemical environment of the body to gain an in-depth understanding of the “elements” within the body’s chemistry. This assessment helps to uncover the underlying cause or causes of one’s imbalance or illness, rather than treating a list of “symptoms.” With Biological Terrain Assessment, the body’s cellular pathology can be detected well before the disease physically manifests. Information of this nature can lead to solutions that support and restore one’s overall health.


The theory of Biological Terrain was formulated by Dr. Claude Bernard over 100 years ago. The theory ascertains that illness and disease are primarily caused by imbalances in the body’s interstitial environment. The Biological Terrain or “Milieu Interior” is the interstitial fluid that bathes and nourishes the body’s trillions of cells. The outer wall of every cell, the cell membrane, is permeable to several different elements and consequently allows these elements to flow freely in and out of this membrane.

Nutrients that cells absorb include electrolytes, enzymes, hormones, minerals, vitamins and very small amounts of water. The cell then uses these nutrients to maintain cellular health and to produce energy to fuel the critical actions and reactions of the body. The waste products that result from these cellular reactions are then released back into the Biological Terrain for filtration and removal. When a cell lives in an unhealthy Biological Terrain environment that either lack the proper balance of nutrients or pH, the cell can become unhealthy and fail to function properly. With prolonged exposure to stressful conditions, the likelihood that the cell will lose its strength and develop illness or disease increases considerably.

As a consequence of lowered strength and resistance, the cell becomes more susceptible to the negative effects of microbes and organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites yeast, and fungus.

Why is it important to measure the Biological Terrain?

While other fields of medicine examine, isolate, or treat one particular part or system of the body, Biological Terrain Assessment monitors the entire internal biochemical environment of the body. This complete information gives us a baseline to determine the course of treatment, as well as an objective procedure for monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment. Biological Terrain Assessment helps to uncover the underlying cause or causes of the person’s imbalance or illness, rather than treating a list of “symptoms.”

What is the BTA S-100?

The BTA S-100 is the most technologically advanced instrument of its kind in the world today for the assessment of the factors which determine the Biological Terrain: pH (acid and alkaline balance), oxidative stress, and mineral concentration.

Quantitative Fluid Analysis (QFA)

What is Quantitative Fluid Analysis?

Because the Biological Terrain is fluid that is continuously circulating throughout the body, its components are used to produce energy in the form of ATP, to supply essential nutrients for the body to function optimally, and to create the biological fluids: blood, saliva, lymph, and urine. Imbalances in the chemistry of the Biological Terrain may, therefore, affect the composition of the body’s biological fluids. Assessing the biological fluids, therefore, provides an efficient way to monitor certain aspects of the underlying biochemical state of the body. As a result, these biological fluids may provide valuable information as to what is happening at the deepest cellular level.

Quantitative Fluid Analysis (QFA) monitors your saliva, urine, and blood for pH, redox, and resistivity. These measurements provide specific values that provide an overview of the biochemical makeup of your body, organ function, and the body’s utilization of enzymes, amino acids, and minerals.

The oxidation-reduction potential or Redox

This measurement provides information about the level of electrons in the body’s fluids. The Biological Terrain can be compromised by prolonged exposure to specific chemicals, toxins, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Chronic exposure to these components can interfere with the body’s ability to produce energy, leading to conditions such as chronic fatigue.


This measurement calculates the level of minerals in the body’s fluids. When the body’s fluids contain too many minerals, the fluid gets congested, and the processes of stagnation may occur resulting in a compromised lymphatic system. Conversely, if the body’s fluids have too few minerals, the process of demineralization may occur, resulting in compromised muscle maintenance and development.

Benefits of QFA

The information that is compiled during this test offers insight into problems with…

  • Overall Immunity
  • Circulation
  • Lymphatic Circulation
  • Liver Function
  • Adrenal Function
  • Kidney Function
  • Thyroid Function
  • Pancreas Function

As well, we will acquire information in regard to your overall state of digestion, detoxification, energy production, and hydration.


This is a measurement of the acid-alkaline balance of the body’s fluids. Processes in the body that are pH dependent include but are not limited to:

  • Digestion and absorption of food and nutrients

  • Binding of hormones to their complementary receptor sites

  • The activation of enzymes

  • Thus, pH levels that are either too acidic or too alkaline can interfere with any of the above processes which can ultimately prevent certain biochemical processes from occurring,

What to Expect

The QFA assessment consists of a 20-minute appointment performed in the clinic. Following a 12-hour fast, small amounts of urine, saliva, and blood are collected. These fluids are injected into the flow cell chamber of the QFA, where they contact sensitive electrodes that pick up the transfer of information to be digitally analyzed. Reports are processed, and the interpretations of the results are reviewed in a follow-up visit. With this valuable information, more in-depth treatment options can be explored and implemented to support healthy cellular functioning.

QFA Fasting Instructions

  1. You must fast for 12 hours.

  2. If you have diabetes or any other problem with blood sugar regulation and are on blood sugar medication, please remind us.

  3. Finish dinner no later than 8:00 pm on the night before your appointment. After dinner, brush your teeth and refrain from eating or drinking anything for the rest of the night and morning, except for a small amount of water, if you are thirsty. No drinking includes chewing gum, throat lozenges, and candy, toothpaste, mouthwash or mouth rinse, both at bedtime and in the morning of your QFA. No lipstick or makeup around your mouth and lips.

  4. If you wear dentures or orthodontic appliances, do not wear them during the 14-hour fasting period until after your saliva specimen has been obtained.

  5. Refrain from sexual activity during your fasting period. This can cause falsely elevated readings in your urine values.

  6. No shower or bath on the morning of the test. You may shower or bathe the evening before.

  7. Collect 1st urine in the morning ( cup provided).

  8. Start to collect your saliva sample in a clean container (supplied) about 20 minutes before your appointment. If you are close to the office you may start the collection of saliva at home. If you are from out of town start your collection on the road.

  9. A small blood sample will be collected at the office.